
Tuesday, 7 December 2010

The Kindness of Strangers

Today, I cried tears of sorrow and frustration. The realisation of being in an isolated position without any kind of financial independence has finally empowered me to learn a new language. This will enable me to be free of all the ties that are holding me down at the moment.
Earlier on, I was at a bus stop, tears running down my face, and this woman came up to me - somebody who I have never met before and probably will never meet again - she gave me this reassuring touch, telling me that it will be alright. Her English was halting, but she gave me a non verbal look in my eyes;her sense of sincerity rang out empathetically for me. She said I have been in your position. That is all she said. It is like she knew what I was currently going through. I tried to mop up my tears, but I was unsuccessful, as they kept on flowing down my face and into my sodden falling apart tissue - unabated.
I smiled at her as she got on her bus and whispered a 'thank you' to her. God Bless her soul. Sometimes, the kindness of strangers is more gratifying and sincere then from your own loved ones. They haven't got the luggage of friends or loved ones who know you and may judge you in your grief. Thank you again lady for letting me be myself.

The year 2011 is suddenly dawning down on my head. I will learn Dutch and become motivated and empowered in my uphill growth.

I posted Lauryn Hill's video with lyrics, because the song really states what I am feeling right now with my life.
It is an empowering and inspirational song and it gives me a sense of freedom every time I hear it.


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